مطلوب ‏خدمة ‏عملاء ‏شركة ‏تيليبيرفورمانس ‏بمرتب ‏٧٠٠٠ج

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يجب على المتقدمين إتقان اللغة الإنجليزية: الطلاقة - للخريجين فقط
الراتب فقط يبدأ من 4000 حتى يصل إلى 7000 جنيه أوڤرنايت شيفت بأضافة ١٠٠٠ جنيه
 العمل لمدة ٥ أيام، توافر المواصلات من باب المنزل
 تأمين صحى و إجتماعى
 مكان العمل: التجمع الخامس - المهندسين 
:أسئلة الانترفيو الشائعة لخدمة العملاء باللغة الإنجليزية

1) what's the least complex approach to deal with an Irate Customer?

Answer: no matter the industry you're employed in, at some point, you'll encounter an irate, angry, or rude customer. It happens frequently with the choice community occupations.

Thus, your employer would really like to understand if you'll stay calm while handling calls from such customers. you'll need to show that you simply can remain professional during their outbursts and check out to assist them.

You can say that you essentially will listen to them and permit them to communicate their resentment. Then, you'll take notes of the central issues referenced in their upheavals. After they settle down , you'll rehash the issues they need been confronting then you'll locate the worthy arrangement which won't just fulfill the furious client yet additionally lies within the parameters of the company’s policy.

When the issues are settled and along these lines the client is cheerful, you'll considerately wish them a genuine day and end the choice .

2) Why did you allow your previous job?

Answer: this is often a typical question in most the interviews. it's consistently prudent to have a persuading answer prepared for this inquiry, regardless of the clarifications that you left your previous work. you want to approach it during a positive light.

State that you basically were attempting to discover development and you secured your past position immersed to flexibly you new skylines. Or on the other hand, you'll reveal to them that you just are more inquisitive about the items and administrations here and you feel that you'll improve here. Never abuse your past organization or boss. it'll just purpose you to look amateurish. Your questioner is more disposed to comprehend about how you'll space in this organization rather than why you didn't fit the past one. 

3) have you ever differ along with your chief or have you been in strife?

Answer: Here, the questioner needs to comprehend in case you're sufficiently courageous to voice your supposition but follow the requests without being problematic. Disclose to them that you essentially aren't hesitant to add in the event that you believe that something are regularly improved. If you trouble your boss, you make it some degree to have a discussion that empowers you understand your administrator's acknowledgment and the contrary route around. It causes you oversee clashes productively. you feel that great relational aptitudes and incredible interchanges can resolve the contentions. Be that as it may, at an equal time, you're equipped for following the requests given by them.

4) would you say you are ready to deal with a High-pressure workplace?

Answer: call centre jobs are usually fast-paced and stressful. Thus, your boss needs to comprehend on the off chance that you'll deal with the weight which you'll not disintegrate if the work begins getting feverish.

Tell them that you simply are a relaxed and calm person. you'll organize multi-task effectively. this may assist you in staying focused. Or, you'll tell them that you simply push would yourself struggling which brings out the simplest in you. you wish to figure in a climate that is dynamic and relentless.


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